Pål Larsson Kämpe Family Sheets – FREE Sample
This unmodifiable, read-only package is 21 pages long and includes all Peter Craig’s annotated family group sheets for Pål Larsson Kämpe, his son Lars and known grandchildren: Paul, John and Bridget (who married Andrew Mullica) and for Paul’s son Mathias Kamp (1752-1786). The full package, available for purchase, contains 184 pages with everything that could be discovered about Kämpe or Camp or Kemp families.
You may view this set of group sheets and download them for free. To view, download, or save this free PDF sample, please click here.
It also contains a Dictionary (MS Word doc) of the abbreviations used by Peter Craig for many of the references in his family group sheets.
To purchase the complete package, please navigate to:
Using Adobe’s free Reader software or Adobe Acrobat (which you have downloaded from adobe.com, opened and on cue designated as the default for opening PDFs), you will be able to key word search and print this indelibly watermarked read-only PDF once it is downloaded. The search will highlight the approximate location(s) on the page(s) where the key word appears. Some “hits” may be missed due to OCR errors.
These packages were prepared by SCS Genealogist Ron Beatty for those who want to see all Peter Craig’s detail around their earliest Swedish colonial ancestors.
We thank our member Glenn York for sponsoring this package.