Family of Peter Stalcop (1757-1827) – The Yocums of Aranomeck
This unmodifiable, read-only package by Peter Stebbins Craig, is 45 pages long and traces the Yocum genealogy by John Yocum (1758-1844).
Whitepaper description from Dr. Peter Craig:
I highly suspect that you are falling into the “compressed pedigree” trap that I fell into in tracing my Yocum heritage. In my first publication, “The Yocums of Aronameck,” I stated flatly that I was descended from Peter Yocum of Upper Merion, the eldest of seven sons of Peter Petersson Yocum. This fact seemed undeniable from the research of others. My farmor’s morfar, great-great grandfather Charles Yocum (1811-1910) had, with the Centennial Celebration of 1876, researched his family roots and, working with his younger brother Rev. Elmore Yocum, had concluded that they were descended from Peter Peterson Yocum via:
(1) Peter Yocum of Upper Merion (1677-1753)
(2) John Yocum (1718-1761), buried at Christ Church, Upper Merion.
(3) John Yocum (1758-1844), buried Wayne County, Ohio.
(4) Elijah Yocum (1783-1867), buried Jeromesville, OhioBoth Charles Yocum and Elmore Yocum of course bad personal knowledge of their father and grandfather. Their grandfather also kept a Bible showing his wife and children with birth dates matching those later found by others in Gloria Dei Church records. Confirming this research was a published Yocum genealogy {by another descendant of John Yocum (1758-1844) which was printed in the 1930s by a member of the Swedish Colonial Society.
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These packages were prepared by SCS Genealogist Ron Beatty for those who want to see all Peter Craig’s detail around their earliest Swedish colonial ancestors.